Building a scalable data platform to link all parts of a business

Mid-cap ESG platform

Value Highlights

Panamoure was engaged by a mid-stage growth company that had previously not prioritised technology investments. ​

What Were the Challenges?

The client’s IT infrastructure suffered from significant fragmentation and connectivity issues. This resulted in critical business functions, such as inventory management, sales pipelines, marketing automation, returns processing, and booking systems, operating on disparate and incompatible platforms. This disjointed system landscape posed substantial operational risks and inefficiencies.

So, What Did we Do?

Panamoure implemented a transformative data strategy, establishing a single source of truth for critical business data and facilitating interconnectivity across applications through APIs and microservices. This multifaceted approach comprised:​

  • Data value scan: Technology was mapped against business capabilities, and associated risks were identified, ensuring strategic alignment​
  • Vision alignment: The data vision was meticulously synchronized with the overall business objectives, guaranteeing a cohesive framework​
  • Architecture & governance design: A comprehensive data architecture and governance model were established, encompassing data sources, models, standards, quality, security, and defined roles​
  • Cloud-based data platform: A cutting-edge platform was developed and deployed leveraging cloud technologies for efficient data integration, storage, processing, and analysis​
  • Actionable insights delivery: Timely and relevant information and recommendations were delivered to stakeholders through intuitive dashboards, reports, and advanced analytics tools


The integrated data and application platform (detailed in the conceptual architecture) delivered on several key business objectives simultaneously. It established a single source of truth for customer data, unifying sales and marketing systems and eliminating inconsistencies. Furthermore, migrating the stock system to the cloud and implementing standardised workflows enabled error-free and secure editing, effectively addressing potential negligence or malicious activity. Beyond data consolidation, the platform yielded notable improvements in demand forecasting and sales and marketing management. Conversion rates on existing leads experienced a substantial increase, while automated capabilities enhanced the accuracy and efficiency of future pipelines. Real-time reporting (replacing the previous two-week lag) empowered all levels of the organisation, from board members to front-line staff, with immediate access to the same underlying data. Additionally, secure and tailored dashboards provided senior management with deeper insights. ​

The new cloud-based architecture sets the stage for future strategic development and market-driven initiatives, ensuring a highly scalable and reliable IT foundation that aligns with evolving business needs.

Key improvements:​

  • Unified customer data: Single source of truth for consistent insights​
  • Standardised workflows: Error-free and secure editing processes​
  • Improved demand forecasting: Increased conversion rates and pipeline accuracy​
  • Real-time reporting: Faster decision-making for all levels with enhanced and secure views for senior management


​The benefits of the architectural solution:

  • Data can be mastered in it’s ‘home’ platform but made available to any other system that needed it​
  • Any applications built would be enabled with identical API and microservices architecture patterns​
  • The security model for all data and applications was unified​
  • Third party data streamed or ingested using standardised patterns to minimise application overheads​
  • A future ready data platform built to accommodate more advanced algorithm deployment when needed

Let’s discuss what we could achieve for your business

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Let’s Talk

Barry Duncan

Head of Consulting
