Alistair Wooster

In the increasingly demanding world of asset management, firms that prioritise operational efficiency and effectiveness are the ones that thrive. As the industry navigates a landscape of evolving regulations, shifting investor preferences, and rapidly advancing technologies, the importance of building the right technical architecture has never been more critical.


The Backbone of Operational Success

A robust, scalable, and flexible technical architecture serves as the foundation upon which asset management firms can build their operational capabilities. By investing in the right technology stack, firms can:

Streamline processes: Automated workflows, seamless data integration, and real-time monitoring capabilities enable firms to eliminate manual errors, reduce processing times, and optimise resource allocation. A study by Bain & Company found that companies allocating at least 20% of their IT budget to automation reduced their process costs by an average of 17%. In contrast, companies spending less than 5% on automation achieved only a 7% reduction in costs.

Enhance data analytics: Advanced analytics tools and AI-driven insights empower asset managers to make data-informed decisions, identify opportunities, and manage risks more effectively. A global survey of asset managers in the first quarter of 2024 showed that 72% think that GenAI will have a significant or transformative impact on their organisation within the next three to five years.

Improve Client Experience: Integrated, omnichannel client servicing platforms enable firms to deliver personalised, timely, and consistent experiences across touchpoints, fostering long-term client loyalty. A study by Deloitte revealed that 57% of asset management clients would consider switching providers due to a lack of digital capabilities.


Future-Proofing Your Firm

In an industry where change is constant, a future-ready technical architecture is essential for staying ahead of the curve. By embracing a modular, API-driven approach, asset management firms can:

Adapt to Regulatory Changes: A flexible architecture allows firms to quickly integrate new compliance requirements, such as ESG reporting or data protection regulations, without extensive overhauls. A survey by PWC found that 76% of asset managers believe that technology will play a crucial role in meeting regulatory requirements.

Leverage Emerging Technologies: Modular architectures enable firms to easily adopt and integrate new technologies, such as blockchain or machine learning, as they mature and prove their value. According to a recent report by Boston Consulting Group (BCG), asset managers that successfully adopt emerging technologies like machine learning and distributed ledgers across their operations could reduce their cost base by up-to 15%.

Scale with Growth: Cloud-based, microservices-oriented architectures allow firms to scale their operations seamlessly as their business grows, without the need for costly infrastructure investments. Accenture reported 63% of asset management survey respondents agreed that a key benefit of cloud technology is improving operating efficiencies for change and run activities, and 57% noted the benefit that cloud could support better business agility and helped firms respond to changing events.


Partnering for Success 

Building the optimal technical architecture requires a deep understanding of both the asset management industry and the technology landscape. For many firms, partnering with experienced technology providers and consultants can be the key to success. By leveraging external expertise, asset managers can: 

Tap into Industry Best Practices: Technology partners with a track record in asset management bring valuable insights and best practices from across the industry, helping firms avoid common pitfalls and adopt proven strategies. According to Accenture,  62% of asset management survey respondents expressed a desire to leverage technology partnerships to explore emerging technologies such as AI.

Accelerate Time-to-Value: Specialised technology providers can help firms implement and integrate new solutions more quickly, enabling them to realize the benefits of operational efficiency and effectiveness sooner.

Focus on Core Competencies: By outsourcing non-core technology functions, asset management firms can focus their resources on what they do best – delivering superior investment outcomes and client service. A survey by KPMG revealed that 75% of asset managers believe that outsourcing non-core functions will be crucial to their future success.


The Way Forward

For asset management firms, building the right technical architecture is not just a matter of operational efficiency – it’s a strategic imperative. As the industry continues to evolve, firms that prioritise technology investments and partnerships will be best positioned to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and deliver long-term value to their clients.

At Panamoure, we specialise in helping firms design, implement, and optimise their scalable technical architectures for operational excellence. With our deep industry expertise and cutting-edge technology solutions, we enable our clients to streamline processes, enhance decision-making, and deliver exceptional client experiences.

Don’t let a suboptimal technical architecture hold your firm back. Contact Panamoure today to learn how we can help you unlock operational efficiency and effectiveness through the power of technology.

Don’t let a suboptimal technical architecture hold your firm back.
Contact Panamoure today to learn how we can help you unlock operational efficiency and effectiveness through the power of technology.
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