IT Strategy

Frees Up Growth

PE-Backed Energy Efficiency Business

PE-Backed Energy Efficiency Business

IT Strategy

Frees Up Growth

A lower mid-cap sector leader in low carbon, energy efficiency and fuel poverty services approached us to develop a new IT Strategy. Business growth was being hampered by outdated IT systems and a complex web of manual processes.

What were the challenges?

Inhouse IT solutions and client services were complex. The rapid evolution of services, the need to be agile in responding to customer needs and partnership opportunities required a new approach to creating an IT strategy. Systems had not been designed with a ‘group’ focus in mind but were more localised. IT ownership was shared across the group by a number of system owners with no clear structure and overarching governance.

So, what did we do?

We reviewed the current technology landscape, applied our understanding of the business and its operational requirements with a view to highlighting the current risks and areas of concern. In parallel, we worked with the Senior Leadership Team to develop their strategic view of the future and used this to create a new IT Roadmap. We also examined the internal skills and technological capability of the people within the business to help shape a new IT operating model going forward.

IT Strategy now underpins the 3-year growth plan


“We found the team professional, engaging and extremely knowledgeable. They very quickly understood our business requirements and translated this into a straightforward, yet detailed roadmap laying out the future IT strategic direction. In addition they helped us recruit an IT professional to deliver the strategy. This has been an extremely valuable exercise for us as the IT strategy is now underpinning and critical to our future growth aspirations.” Managing Director

Do you need to digitally optimise your business? 

We are experts in what we do. Committed professionals who are at the leading edge of our specialised field.

Other examples of our work

Delivery of managed services including Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O

Our client is a 65-year-old family-owned business group in the construction sector, with 4,000 employees with a strong track record of delivering major infrastructure programmes in the UK, Ireland, and Canada.

transformation of builders merchant group

The business operates through six divisions, with the core builders’ merchant branches supported by a network of speciality plumbing and heating, roofing and electrical branches, a dedicated timber processing and distribution business, and a strong online presence. The group today has more than 140 branches operating across the south of England.

athlete passport / mobile application​

Panamoure was approached to build the proposed Athlete Passport Application (“App”) to monitor and manage an athlete’s wellbeing, strength, conditioning and nutrition. The application is the first phase in an expected roadmap which will create various solutions including audience specific apps and the overall athlete management by respective international governing bodies.