
Look before you leap...

Our approach to delivering systems implementation outcomes is simple and extremely effective. Maximise benefit, minimise risk and minimise cost

system implementation

ERP Implementation

Many companies are under pressure to radically improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their organisation. They are very often working with inefficient, duplicated, manually intensive processes, performed on disparate systems and using data that is not fit for purpose with minimal or manual integration. This is when organisations start to consider implementing an ERP. In delivering this service for clients Panamoure will:

  • Review your business, goals and objectives
  • Look at your business processes for where we can streamline and create efficiencies
  • Create the end-state view of where you want to be and what you require a system to do
  • Identify the best solution that satisfies your needs as well as being cost-effective for your organisation and scalable for future growth
  • Take you through the implementation process and help to manage the technological and cultural change that is required to ensure success
  • Bridge the understanding gap between the vendor technology and your people leaving them confident in their ability to navigate the system

We are technology agnostic and will help you select the most appropriate solution for your business. If an ERP is not the right “fit” for where your organisation is now, we will tell you.

CRM Implementation

There is no denying the fact that good relationships with customers are the lifeblood of every business. The better a business can manage communications with its clients and partners, the more chances it has for successful revenue growth. The pursuit of better ways to manage business connections have given rise to CRM system implementation but there are many systems to choose from – which one is right for your business?

We support businesses by helping them choose the right CRM system and managing its integration with wider company operations. What makes us different is that we don’t just set up the CRM software and exit stage left, we map out your business challenges, design the solution and implement the CRM in a way that delivers the best value. Whether your challenge is increasing online sales, getting a single view across your portfolio, automating your marketing strategy or just motivating your sales force through CRM measured incentives – we can help.

“Panamoure proactively supported the overall project and went beyond the scope of the engagement.”


what we can do for you

Speak to our experts to find out more about how our strategic consulting services can help make a difference.

Our Services

Strategic Consulting

Deep technology expertise creating your competitive advantage


End-to-end business and technology change management solutions


Smart support, our outsourced expertise available on tap