Barry Duncan

Panamoure, and many other consultancies, help companies, partnerships, nonprofit organisations, educational establishments and government agencies digitally transform. But what does “digital transformation” actually mean? Well, it means many different things to all those various parties. For those organisations of a certain scale, the complexity and expense required for a comprehensive transformation programme may be well justified. Some of our work has involved partnering with FTSE100 companies and other large organisations, implementing digital transformation programmes which have lasted more than two years. For most mid-sized and smaller companies, a digital transformation this extensive is rarely warranted, in terms of both expense and operational requirement. Companies operating within the more modest areas of their respective markets, “digital transformation” can mean a far more pragmatic, rapid and consequently more affordable initiative. Though more modest in terms of effort and investment, such programmes can yield disproportionately transformative results and in the right circumstances, the same can hold true for larger organisations too. Scale need not necessarily compel complexity and greater expense.  

There are numerous definitions of “digital transformation”. In this article, you can expect to find:  

  • What Digital Transformation means to Panamoure 
  • What Digital Transformation means to some of Panamoure’s clients, both actual and prospective 
  • What Digital Transformation means to other practitioners and commentators  


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Do You Need To Digitally Optimise Your Business?

Do You Need To Digitally Optimise Your Business?

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We are pleased to announce the launch of a ninth pillar in our IT Due Diligence process, which identifies and generates value creation opportunities for private equity (PE) investors. This new pillar is designed to uncover additional levers for growth and drive both immediate 100-day plans and long-term digital value creation initiatives.  

The private equity (PE) landscape has seen better days. M&A activity is down, and exits have plummeted to their lowest point in over a decade, dropping 66% from their peak in 2021. High interest rates have made refinancing debt structures from as far back as 2019 increasingly expensive. As a result, exits are becoming more protracted, and many buyout funds are struggling to offload portfolio companies amid an uncertain environment that negatively impacts valuations. Now more than ever, there is a pressing need to maximise the value of existing portfolios.